A year ago my good friend Lizzie from The Big Little invited me to a festive gathering of interesting like minded small business owners. It was a real treat for me to take some time out at the end of a busy year. Amongst the brunch guests I met Katy Hill.
I've known Katy from her screen presence. For many years she was a Blue Peter, tv and and radio presenter. She spearheading the movement to inspire young girls to follow their dreams and push themselves to the limit, she jumped out of planes and did all manner of crazy things that I could never imagine doing or possibly even wanting to do!
We had a little chat and I quickly found a kind kindred spirit with a hilariously funny sense of humour and someone born within a month of me too.
Having worked in the celebrity industry for as long as me and not one to be falling into all the bullshit that comes with it, Katy’s value are the same as mine, not wanting to make that world her life.
I discovered that Katy lives 10 minutes up the road from me with her husband Trey and two children, one daughter and a younger son, the parallels to my life were exciting.
I had made a piece of jewellery and strangely enough Katy spotted that it was very similar to her limitless logo. I modified it for her but then lockdown 1 happened.
In lockdown 2 we planned to do a very quick social distance shoot. I finally gave her the bespoke ‘limitless’ piece, it was so lovely to feel the excitement that giving somebody something special that you've taken the time to create for them gives. She has worn it every day since.
We set to task, whilst chatting, to take a few images in her workspace, garden and the bridal path that leads behind her house. In less than 15 mins we got so many images, it was the first time ever, Katy tells me, that she couldn’t see the stress face she usually notices in photos. I love this! As someone who hates having their photograph taken, I approach shoots with the view that nobody loves having their photograph taken, so the quicker you can make this happen and as naturally and organically as possible the better!
To be able to capture some ‘real’ moments of Katy looking pretty darn fabulous is what it is all about for me. I love getting down to the edit and looking at how someone is shining, not because they've got a greasy face, just that I’ve managed to capture the real relaxed vibe. I am on a mission to make shoots as painless quick, stress-free as possible and fluid.
It went so well that we immediately arranged to meet up 10 days later at a local hotel/gym, Badgemore Park, that have been closed for lockdown 2, and we planned to do some more images there and take over the space like a studio to capture content for Katy’s relaunched site.
What I loved about it was it was just like a hang out with someone who is fun and having a bit of a laugh but also working quickly through different set ups and capturing something that feels really real. Capturing Katy at work and hanging out. We were able to get tons and tons and Katy has redesigned and launched her site now which is adorned with all the brilliant images that we took. www.katyhill.com
What's really great is that I feel I've made a true friend, a friend who is going to be 50 a few weeks after me and a friend I hope to see more of when lockdown is over.
It’s interesting how you can take such intimate shots even in a socially distance shoot. It was just me, Katy and her husband Trey who was filming some imagery for her website too, but we worked independently yet cohesively together as a team. I love my job, I'm lucky to do something that introduces me to brilliant people and brightens up my day!
Katy’s new course ‘Ignite’ launches this month. She is continually inspiring me when we chat to think of things that are best for me and my business and has brought so many news ideas to my world. She continues to be hugely inspirational with her warmth and energy to everyone who works with her or takes part in her courses.